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Japanese Hospital

My son has to take surgery. He played Rugby ( he is Rugger boy now ) at his high school , and his team-mate tackled him. Unfortunately, he had feel pain at that time, he went to the small hospital whch located near his high school. A doctor said to him , you have to go to more big hospital because you have tumor in your sholderborn. I and my son started to go Japanese big hospital. the first hospital, we arrived there at 7:30 in the morning and finshed all treatmets ( taking MRI picture etc) at PM 3:30. The docter said , you have to go more big hospital . We went to Tohoku Univercity Hospital next day , we arrived there at AM 7:20 in the morning and finished all treatments ( including taking CT picture ,blod test etc) at PM:4.00. I paied $10 as fee of parking my car. (because of long time parking ) We spent our much time for just waitting. In Japanese style , if we are not there when a nuruse call my sons name , our tun has gone and never back. we just sat down on the small chairs. I d...

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